Amenorrhea : Is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age, which may temporary or permanent. Amenorrhea can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary Amenorrhea It is defined as an absence of secondary sexual characteristics by age 14 with no menarche or normal secondary sexual characteristics but no menarche by 16 years of age. And it may due to congenital absence of the uterus, failure of the ovary to receive or maintain egg cells or delay in pubertal development. Where as secondary Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods for three consecutive cycles or a time period of more than six months in a woman who was previously menstruating and is often caused by hormonal disturbances from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, from premature menopause or intrauterine scar formation.
1. Drugs for treatment of Primary Amenorrhea are Estrogen and Progesterone
2. Drugs for treatment of Secondary Amenorrhea are Medroxyprogesterone, Progesterone and Norethindrone acetate