Tacrolimus 0.03 %w/w
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited
Itis available as an ointment to apply topically as directed by your physician.
Store it at room temperature (25°C).
Hypertension : Hypertension, also referred to as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the arteries have persistently elevated blood pressure. Every time the human heart beats, it pumps blood to the whole body through the arteries. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing up against the blood vessel walls. The higher the pressure the harder the heart has to pump. Hypertension can lead to damaged organs, as well as several illnesses, such as renal failure (kidney failure), aneurysm, heart failure, stroke, or heart attack. The normal level for blood pressure is below 120/80, where 120 represents the systolic measurement (peak pressure in the arteries) and 80 represents the diastolic measurement (minimum pressure in the arteries). Blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called pre hypertension (to denote increased risk of hypertension), and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered hypertension. Hypertension may be classified as essential or secondary. Essential hypertension is the term for high blood pressure with unknown cause. It accounts for about 95% of cases. Secondary hypertension is the term for high blood pressure with a known direct cause, such as kidney disease, tumors, or birth control pills.
Increased nephrotoxicity with ciclosporin, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cisplatin, NSAIDs, vancomycin, co-trimoxazole, aciclovir, ganciclovir. Increased risk of hyperkalemia with potassium-sparing diuretics. Increased plasma concentrations and toxicity with azole antifungals, calcium-channel blockers, cimetidine, danazol, HIV-protease inhibitors, macrolide antibacterials and metoclopramide. Antacids, rifampin, rifabutin, casofungin, phenytoin, phenobarbital and carbamazepine decrease tacrolimus plasma concentrations. Concurrent admin of sirolimus and tacrolimus decrease levels of both.
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It is any effect of a drug, chemical, or other medicine that is in addition to its intended effect, especially an effect that is harmful or unpleasant.