Abbott Healthcare Pvt Ltd (Ahpl)
It ia available as a tablet taken orally, once or twice a day.
Store it at room temperature (20°- 25°C).
Contra Indicated in the case of asthma or history of obstructive airways disease ( In the case of, no other alternative, then give with extreme caution and under specialist supervision), Uncontrolled heart failure, Prinzmetal angina, Marked bradycardia,Hypotension, Sick sinus syndrome, Second and third-degree atrioventricular block, Cardiogenic shock, Metabolic acidosis, Severe peripheral arterial disease and Pheochromocytoma
Dry eye syndrome : Tears are needed to lubricate the eyes and to wash away particles and foreign objects. A healthy tear film on the eye is necessary for good vision. Dry eyes develop when the eye is unable to maintain a healthy coating of tears. Dry eye usually occurs in people who are otherwise healthy. It becomes more common with age. This can occur due to hormonal changes that make your eyes produce fewer tears. Other common causes of dry eyes include: • Dry environment or workplace (wind, air conditioning) • Sun exposure • Smoking or second-hand smoke exposure • Cold or allergy medicines Dry eye can also be caused by: • Heat or chemical burns • Previous eye surgery • A rare autoimmune disorder in which the glands that produce tears are destroyed (Sjogren syndrome) Symptoms Symptoms may include: • Blurred vision • Burning, itching, or redness in the eye • Gritty or scratchy feeling in the eye • Sensitivity to light Treatment The first step in treatment is artificial tears. These come as preserved (screw cap bottle) and unpreserved (twist open vial). Preserved tears are more bottle) convenient, but some people are sensitive to preservatives. There are many brands available without a prescription. Start using the drops at least 2-4 times per day. Other medical treatments may include: • Fish oil 2-3 times per day • Glasses, goggles or contact lenses that keep moisture in the eyes • Medicines such as Restasis, topical corticosteroids, and oral tetracycline and doxycycline • Tiny plugs placed in the tear drainage ducts to moisture stay on the surface of the eye longer
Other antihypertensive drugs: Atenalol may potentiate the antihypertensive effects of other antihypertensive agents. Insuline or Oral hypoglycemic: Altered dosage requirements i stable diabetic patients. Indomethacin,NSAIDs,and alpha adrenergic agents such as those found in OTC cold remedies: Antihypertensive effects of Atenalol may be antagonised. Bupivacaine : Atenolol increases risk of bupivacaine toxicity. Lidocaine :Atenolol increases risk of lidocaine (lignocaine) toxicity. Chlorpromazine : Plasma concentration of both drugs may increase when propranolol given with chlorpromazine.
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It is any effect of a drug, chemical, or other medicine that is in addition to its intended effect, especially an effect that is harmful or unpleasant.