How Bad Is Refined White Flour Or Maida?
Department of General Medicine
Now a days it is very difficult to live without beautiful white colour flour called Maida. But have you ever noticed it is a silent killer for human beings. But how?
In wheat there are two parts, the outside shell part is eatable and the inside one is not. The inside part should not contain any fiber too. This part grinded and bleach with benzoic peroxide and it will be softened by mixing with a chemical called aloxanes, making maida flour to have many chemical components.
This chemicals Benzoic peroxide and Aloxane are very harmful to our body. It is mainly used in pigs and rats for the testing of insulin. Scientists are usually inject this chemical to those animals so that it gets affected with diabetic hence can test their experiments medicines on it .To get a pure white colour Benzoic peroxide is used in cloths mill industry. If you take this powder and mixed with water, fumes will comes out and is dangerous to our skin. But unfortunately this chemical is one of the chief intakes for Maida production.
Recent research also shown that the use of Maida increases the chances of human beings becoming diabetic. The chemical aloxanes used in maida can destroy the beta cells present in the pancreas which produce insulin to lower sugar levels in human beings. Not only maida all the flour available in market will have aloxanes mixing which gives softness to the flour and taste to the tongue. You can also observe that the flour you get by wheat or rice or any pulses will not be as soft as that of maida flour .
90% of the Bakery items are made from Maida Flour . Bakery is a hub for most of the dangerous chemicals .To get colours in food products, need mixing of different chemicals. The same chemical (Petroleum bi products) is used in Paints manufacturing industry. Other chemicals used along with Maida are aginomoto, mineral oil, taste makers,preservative, dalda, sacrin, sugar etc.
Maida was banned in many countries but because of political lobby and other things ban was taken back and maida is obtainable in every country with delicious bakery items. At least few of you might remember in earlier days maida mixed with hot water being used as gum to stick posters in wall. May be this is the reason to name Maida as all purpose flour!
As a known fact in the current life style ,we canot completely avoid all the above mentioned chemicals and foods. According to health survey most of the diseases are happen because of the use of junk kind of food. Maida is one of the villains for most of the diseases. So try to avoid bakery food items and also please take care of your health by routine checkup and regular exercise. A balanced diet with knowledge of food what we eat can make us live longer happily and healthy.