Tips For Helping Your Child Stay Safe and Healthy
Department of General Medicine
Child is a young human between the stages of birth and puberty. Every child goes through many stages of social development. Raising children is a big job.
You can help your child to develop healthy habits early in life that will bring lifelong benefits. As a parent, you can help and encourage your kids to evaluate their food choice and physical activity habits. In addition to teaching children good eating and habits, you can also teach them some basic health and safety habits.
Remember that children learn faster and change quickly as they grow and develop. The risks faced by infants and toddlers are often very different than of school age children and teens. But no matter how old your children are, knowledge is power.
Here are some guidelines and tips to get you started.
Good general habits for a healthy life
- Think ; Children need to learn that different actions have different consequences. They need to learn the difference between reality and fantasy . Before your children act, encourage or helps them to stop, take a breath, and think about the consequences.
- Relax ; Learn relaxation skills, and teach them to your children.
- Talk openly ; Encourage your children to talk about what is bothering them.
- Eat well ; Encourage your children to learn about and enjoy healthy foods.
- Be realistic ; Setting of realistic goals and limits are key to adopting any new behavior. Small steps and gradual changes can make a great difference in your health over time, so start small and build up.
- Be active ; Help your children to find physical activities and hobbies they enjoy. Also, limit the amount of time they watch TV, text or talk on the phone, or use the computer .
- Be a good role model ; You don’t have to be perfect all the time, but if kids see you trying to eat right way and getting physically active, they’ll take notice of your efforts.
Preventing illness
Kids get dirty. They plays with other kids who may be sick. Teaching them the following habits will keep them healthier and stronger :
- Wash your hands each time you use the toilet, after you blow your nose, and before you eat.
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
- Don't share hats, combs, toothbrushes, or other personal items with other children.
- Don't touch other children's urine, blood, stool, or other body fluids.
Good safety habits
The world is a dangerous place. But you can teach your children habits that will help them safer :
- Don't chase or mind pets, especially when they are eating, sleeping, or with their babies.
- Always wear a seat belt.
- Don't cross the street alone or without permission.
- Never swim alone.
- Wear a helmet when biking, snowboarding, skating, or skiing.
- Be careful around strangers. Know when and how to stay away from them.
- If you get lost, ask for help right away.
- Don't play in the driveway or around cars.
- Don't play with guns,Parents should keep all guns locked up. Lock up ammunition separately.
Personal Safety Tips
Learning about personal safety is very important in child’s education. However, too much focus on “stranger" and "danger” can be frightening to kids. The best approach is to teach them safe habits that will build their confidence. And don’t forget to praise their progress!
School-age children Teach them to:
- For Memorize their name, address, and phone number (including area code).
- For Stay with a group whenever possible.
- For Say “No” if a stranger offers them a ride or anything else.
Older children and teens Teach them to:
- For Learn numbers for contacting you (their parents) at home or at work.
- For Always tell an adult where they are going.
- For Say “No” if they ever feel threatened or uncomfortable.
Emergency Planning
- Child may need care before emergency medical service personnel arrive.
- Know the right number to call.
- Keep a well-stocked first aid kit.
- Make a list of emergency phone numbers.
- Teach your children how to call for help.
- Immunize your children. Keep their records.
- Top 10 Tips to Help Children Develop Healthy Habits from American Heart Association.
- Quick Tips: Helping Your Child Stay Safe and Healthy ; My by Healthwise Staff.
- Parents: Autumn Tips to Help Keep Your Kids Safe and Healthy ;Family Health ;Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Healthy habits for safe kids ; Important Child Safety Tips for Parents.
- Kids and Food : 10 Tips for Parents ; From Kids Health.